319/318: A little under the weather

I wasn’t feeling too good last night.  I’ve had this scratchy throat since Tuesday and I think I caught a rhinovirus over the weekend.  It’s not too bad, but my head was pounding last night I had to take cold medicine before going to bed.  It didn’t help much though – I woke up twice in the middle of the night because of my dry throat and congested nose.  I was hoping it will be better today.  The scratchiness has waned down, but the congestion seems to be escalating.  I’m meeting up with a couple of friends tonight and I’m hoping I don’t spread the “love”.

Here’s a link to a blog entry on the scientific status of common cold treatments from the virology blog I regularly check out: http://www.virology.ws/2009/02/16/is-an-effective-treatment-for-the-common-cold-at-hand/.  Might as well make this a learning experience.

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